Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Lamest Racists

Jason McCord
Ms. Kerr
English 101-004
20 April 2014
The Lamest Racists
            Do you like country music? Are you from the south? Well if either of these apply to you than you should know that many of the mainstream culture and elitists believe you to be white trash dirt bags! As well as labeling you as this, they also believe you to be racist hicks! Who is the real racists here? Is it southerners, or is it the mainstream elitist who label a culture they don’t understand and think are below them?
Courtesy of Twisted Sifter
            Let’s take a look at the definition of racism. The definition of racism states, “A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others” ("Racism"). To me that sounds a lot like what the mainstream culture and elitists are doing to the Southern culture.  So every time people at the University of Tennessee sing “Rocky Top” they are looked at as being rednecks! That does not sit well with me! These mainstream elitists judge us Southerners for listening to country, a music genre oriented around:
  1. Drinking beer
  2. Girls
  3. Partying
  4. Hunting
  5. Riding around in trucks 
Yes, these are things many southerners like to do, and that is why country music sings about these things. It is a part of our culture! So why do these people look down upon us Southerners. It is because they themselves are being racist. They can’t seem to understand how our culture works, and because we are different from them, they look down on us.  They want a world that matches theirs. As for the parts of the world that don’t accept their ways, they see as inferior. Which is the definition of racism! They are hypocritical sore losers when it comes to cultures that are different from theirs. These elitists are like the Ohio State football team of the world. They believe they are better than everyone because they dominate a conference with no competition. When they play an SEC team they almost always lose, and retaliate by making up dumb excuses and continue to act like they are better than everyone.
Notice the score
Courtesy of
            So how do we as Southerners prove these elitists that we are not what they think? As for Country music, the movement has already started. Country music has undergone a drastic transformation, to leave behind the old white trash music label. It has emerged with the new identity of Pop-Country.  Pop-Country music has combined with Hip-Hop and Pop Stars to make a more up-beat fun style of music (Red Solo Cups). As a result, Pop-Country songs have dominated the top 100 Charts on ITunes. Thus, proving the mainstream elitists wrong by, as Charlie Sheen would say, “WINNING!” This Pop-Country music has stolen mainstream citizens away from the elitist culture. Is this the start of proving the mainstream elitists wrong? Perhaps, but we still have a ways to go.
Courtesy of Twisted Sifter
Work Cited

“Red Solo Cups, Dirt Road Anthems, and Accidental Racism: The Rise of Pop and Hip/Hop in Modern Day Country Music.” The Classy Wasteland. 21 September 2014. 3 April 2014. 
"Racism." Unabridged." Random House, Inc. 17 April 2014. 20 Apr. 2014.


  1. Jason, I agree with you on all levels here. It has always bothered me when someone accuses something or someone of being racist when really the fact that they are thinking those thoughts makes them the racist ones.I also find your list of the components of country music to be spot on. I mean come on, who doesn't like beer and girls, and why are people being judged for that. I like the way that you use ethos by associating yourself with the culture that listens to country music. I believe this gives you credibility as you have the "inside scoop" about country music.I also like the way that you use your sources to add to your use of logos and explaining that the new genre "pop country" is really the best of both worlds. i must say what I liked most about your post, however, is your bashing of Ohio State. As a proud SEC fan I also hate Ohio State with a burning passion. Thank you

  2. This blog begins with a very clear rhetorical purpose of analyzing whether country music is racist or if the Northern elitists who look down upon country music are racist. The introduction does a good job of drawing the audience in, especially those who are fans of country. By starting with the definition of racism, the author provides both a clear context for the argument provided and an excellent logos argument of factual evidence. The argument then transitions into a Pathos argument of describing how the South is looked down upon by its northern counterpart. By showing how our cultures are different and how the north sees that as a threat based purely on a different style of life, the author does well to paint the northern elitists as racists due to their harsh views of a culture they do not fully understand. The mention of Pop-Country does well to show the willingness of the South to adapt to other cultures and modern ideas whereas the North is stuck in their views. Overall, the rhetorical purpose is very effective. The only suggestion I have is to bring in a second source to support your claim. The use of the definition was extremely effective but It could have been complemented by another source to solidify your argument. Otherwise, this piece is very effective.

  3. Jason,
    I agree with you strongly that the elitist themselves seem to have become a little racist due to their not understanding of what they were trying to argue. You definitely have a strong pathos appeal because you have brought out the emotions of the readers that are from the south. I also think your ethos is quite strong because since you are from the south it makes you more credible to talk in such depth about the issue. I was a little confused as to why you have the authority to say Ohio State thinks they are better than everyone else, but your video makes it a little less "ify". You say this with loose ends, so I would work on trying to provide more info in your evidence claims.
    I think overall your persuasive purpose has been completed with very few and minor flaws, and you express your opinion with a reasonable amount of bias considering the amount of evidence you provide to back up your points.
